Homepage --------------------------------
Make longer to add more room for new links, pictures, and other stuff DONE
Pictures ---------------------------------
Categorize images & sort into different pages (Maybe? I need to
organize that mess.)
------------------------------ My
Thoughts ------------------------------
New design (?) DONE
Better way of archiving old posts
--------------------------------- Cool
Shit ---------------------------------
My VHS tape collection
My CD collection
My DVD collection
My Bratz collection
Update Blinkies, Buttons, Myspace pics.. etc.. ADD MORE!!!
Add more pics to each camera page
Reorganize layout (maybe?)
Links to sites I like DONE
Recipes (I have a box that belonged to my great grandmother that is
FULL of old recipes.. maybe I could share them with y'all?)
Graphics ---------------------------------
Add more, bitch!
------------------------------- Social
Media -------------------------------
New layout DONE
--------------------------------- The
Vault ---------------------------------
New categories & MORE WEBSITES!!!