Friday, July 26, 2024 - 3:05 PM
× subject: hangin out
× mood: BAKED
× music: Mayday ★ Unkle (listen)

Hiiii. I just got up about 2 hours ago. I've been rolling around in my bed, smoking while watching Daria. I remembered that I haven't updated my site in over a week so here I am! Hello. I have my own space now! No more crashing on my moms couch.. I am back in my own bed. Here's a pic of my room:

I feel really comfortable in it. Whenever I am not at home, I am thinking about being in my bed. It smells like weed and febreze unstopables fresh spray. so nice. Anyywayss.. I am in the middle of my 5 days off of work. I go back the 28th, work 2 days, and then I am off for another 4 days. I was SHOCKED when I saw the schedule, I haven't had that much time off since I was unemployed. I've just been watching a bunch of DVDs, playing games (GTA:SA, DBD, and Garry's Mod), and .. idk.. hanging out.

I'm going to go upload some new pics and then see if I want to update somethin else around here.. Idk. I might crawl back into bed and watch more Daria. I hope you're doing well! I'll see you later.

Monday, July 8, 2024 - 11:50 PM
× subject: <3
× mood: stoned
× music: lucky star ★ faerybabyy (listen)



Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 11:05 PM
× subject: I want a lobotomy
× mood: bleh
× music: lobotomy song ★ faerybabyy (listen)

I'm sad and I was going to write about it but didn't feel like oversharing so here's a song from my favorite artist right now:

I am okay, at least I will be! Things are pretty good overall right now, just stuck in my head. I have the next 2 days off soo maybe I will make some changes around here. I need to smoke! I will see you later.

I die inside when I read them. Why am I making them public again...

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