Friday, February 21, 2025 - 12:20 AM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  I'm faerybabyy's #1 fan
★ mood:  happy
★ music:  lobotomy song faerybabyy (listen)

AHHH!! Oh my god. Okay. So before I start, I have to mention that I was about to screen record our conversation and as I was halfway through her message SHE RESPONDED TO ME LMFAO. I instantly read it... embarassing! LMFAO. Anyways...

Ummm Hello! I just got home from work. So in my last post I linked to a Sims 2 music video I made to Faerybabyy's song "connie". I spent all day yesterday making it! I originally uploaded it directly onto my site, but I didn't like that the thumbnail was a black box so I uploaded it to my YouTube channel and just linked from there. Well, FAERYBABYY SAW IT! She left a really sweet comment and then shared it to her IG story. I responded to her story and said that I made it and she sent me a couple of voice notes and I sent her one back. Like I said at the start of this post, she JUST responded to me as I was recording it... LMFAO. Here's a pic of what she said on her IG story:

I feel like it would be disrespectful to share the audio??? Like idk I am a little tipsy right now so I may be overthinking... (Sam and I took a shot after work) But I know for damn sure I am not sharing my nervous gay voice message on here so I am giving her the same respect :D Here's a screenshot of our messages:

And here's the transcripts of our voice notes:

Faerybabyy: "Okay I'm driving so I'm not supposed to text and drive but literally thank you so much. I have a huge addiction to video games and Sims was every pivotal part in forming that video game addictive part of my personality because I used to play so much as a kid and I actually relapsed like i guess it was like 5 days ago now because I just stopped today but I played for 4 days straight and maybe slept a couple hours. I ignored all of my job duties. None of this is a good thing, It's all technically bad but the point is I love sims and while you were making this video I was knees- I was neck deep, I was not knees deep, I was not balls deep, I was neck deep in Sims, okay? So the amount of synchronicity and this existing at this moment in time is crazy.

The moral of the story is we are connected and thank you so much. I love it. Like anytime you wanna do a Sims music video, literally feel free to do it because I used to watch sims music videos whenever I was a kid so much and it's just like tickling this part of my brain. I don't know. I cant express how much I love it. That's all I'm trying to do is express how much I love it and words can't do it but just thank you so much and it's so cute and you really slayed that."

Me: "Oh my god I love that we both have been neck deep in the Sims lately at the same time. But um same I loved watching Sims 2 music videos when I was a kid and I've been wanting to make them but I have yet to. And then the other day I was listening to you and I was like this would be the best soundtrack to a Sims 2 music video. Um I'm glad you liked it um I was thinking about making more and honestly this interaction is everything. Like um hell yes I'm gonna make more. I'm glad that you liked it. Thank you for your message."

The amount of times I said um... I'm so awkward LMFAO. I love that we both love The Sims! She is awesome. I relate to her lyrics a lot, I love her style, and she's just... the coolest. She deserves nothing but the best. I love singing along to her music at the top of my lungs when I'm driving. And, if you haven't seen my archived posts, I saw her live and met her in person last year! She was really nice, I will treasure those memories forever. Here's a pic of us together that Sam took:

I was really drunk... okay? I was a mess.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. That was a really nice interaction. I recommend that EVERYONE listen to her! Sooo here's some of my favorite songs of hers:

I Could Never Stay Mad at You (listen)
darlin' (listen)
connie (listen)
lucky star (listen)
Seatbelts (listen)
Birthday Song (I think this will be my next Sims 2 MV) (listen)
be my lover (listen)
rosalia (listen)
lobotomy song (listen)

LISTEN TO HER NOWWWWW!!! I command you.

I'll see you later! I hope you're having a good day, bye!
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 5:45 PM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  sims 2 moment
★ mood:  alive.. still
★ music:  connie faerybabyy (listen)

I was bored and made a sims 2 music video :D

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 11:48 PM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  ummmm hi
★ mood:  alive
★ music:  Everything Falls Apart The One AM Radio (listen)

" No, you won't stay close, I know.
I wanna hold on as long as I can feel your glow.

Hello! I have not updated my site in a week and haven't made any big changes in a few months... I have been very depressed :D I worked all day today and just got home and decided to make a few updates around here. I don't have much to talk about right now. I guess I do, I just don't feel like it. I've been feeling like this since coming back from Texas. I realized when I visited for my grandpa's funeral in December that I wanted to move back. My trip last month only made it more apparent.

I miss my friends. I miss having a life. GOING OUT!! Bar hopping with my best friends, getting drunk and talking all night. (when we aren't dancing) I miss Houston nightlife so much it hurts. I am going to start saving up and hopefully I can be back in Texas within the next year. The sooner the better. Kiersten and I talked about living together, and I think that would be great. I am hoping that it all will work out. Oh god.. renting a U-Haul.. my wallet is shaking.. I hate being poor.

That's all I have to say for now. I will probably update again soon, we'll see! I have been stuck in a rut. I hope that you're doing well, I'll see you later.
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