Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 4:16 PM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  new graphics yay
★ mood:  stoned
★ music:  Pulsewidth Aphex Twin (listen)

★ I added a few new pics to the myspace icons page

★ I added over 200 blinkies to the blinkies page

★ I added a good amount of buddy icons to that page
Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 1:27 PM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  blah blah blah
★ mood:  stoned
★ music:  Use Your Heart SWV (listen)

Hiii. I've been having a relaxed day so far. I got up about an hour ago, cleaned my room, and took a shower. I've been rewatching that documentary I recommended some posts back, The Woman Who Wasn't There. I really want to revisit New York and go back to the 9/11 memorial. Among all the other places in NY I want to revisit.. I can't believe it's been 3 years since I last went.

Anyways, I just wanted to ramble a bit before I spend some time combing the internet archive for graphics to share on my "Cool Shit" page. I have been bouncing in between VERY happy and insanely depressed lately.. Playing games with Korrin and our Discord friends has been helping lift my mood. And I started cleaning my room EVERYDAY when I wake up so that it won't turn back into my depression pit. We'll see how long that lasts.. I just took some pics of what my room looks like right now, check it out:

I like my little space. My mom has been talking about moving me out into the bar they have in their barn, like we planned on doing last summer. Something I have had to come to terms with while living here is that when they say things are going to go a certain way, they almost ALWAYS go another way. I tend to stick to my plans, so that kind of stresses me out. I hate being told that something is going to happen, and then it doesn't! AHH! I guess I just need to be a bit more persistent in bringing it up.

Well. I just took a hit and I am feeling a little toasty. I am going to finish watching that documentary and then put on some music and go balls deep in archived websites. I hope that you're doing well, I will see you later!

Friday, March 14, 2025 - 3:19 PM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  I LOVE HYPNOSPACE!!!
★ mood:  excited
★ music:  Mobile Avril Lavigne (listen)

A couple years ago I discovered one of my favorite games of all time, Hypnospace Outlaw. I don't know if I mentioned it in old posts from 2022/2023 or not, but here I am to mention it now. If you haven't played it, I suggest you change that. Anyone on Neocities or that enjoys the old web in general will LOVE this game. I haven't replayed it in about a year now, I got WAY too into it and needed time to pass so I could enjoy it again. I'm going to start another playthrough when I finish this post! Anyways....

Hypnospace Outlaw takes place in 1999 and you play as an internet detective of sorts. You have to go through a bunch of cool little sites trying to complete tasks and figure out an evil plot by one of the users :D I am !HORRIBLE! at explaining things, so I suggest you check out the steam page here to get a better description! It's a really, REALLY good game. The story is amazing, the Y2K nostalgia is AWESOME, it's just... everything.

Anyways, I just woke up and saw that they are cracking down on the sequel, Dreamsettler. It's coming soon! I joined their $10 tier on patreon and will get access to beta downloads in the near future! I will be writing about my experiences with them here as time goes on. For now, they have a minigame from the sequel that you can download and play called Plox. It's a cute little game that requires more brain power than I have to give after just waking up! Here's a screenshot I took:

It's so cute! Words can not express how FUCKING EXCITED I am for the sequel. I am ITCHING FOR THAT SHIT. Please, PLEASE check out and play Hypnospace Outlaw, I really don't think you will regret it. It's like $5 right now cuz of the Steam spring sale, GET IT!!!! Anyways, here's a couple screenshots of mine from the game. Including parts of my personal website that I made using the games website builder tool:

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - 12:34 PM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  a million views??
★ mood:  happy
★ music:  desperate ex gf Faerybabyy (listen)

Hey! I just wanted to make a short post to mention that my website has hit a million views! That is beyond insane to me. I love Neocities so much, I couldn't imagine my life without it. I love having a personal website and being able to scratch that nostalgic itch in my brain. I love that there are so many cool, creative, and unique sites to get lost in around here. I hope that Neocities never dies.

Well, I'm about to go to work in a couple hours, so I don't want to spend too much time rambling right now. I added some new pics to the "Myspace Icons" page, check those out here! I love collecting those little pics. And they weren't just for MySpace, they were also used on places like LiveJournal and Xanga. I love crawling the archives of those sites.

Anyways... I will see you later! Thanks for checking out my website! Before I go, if you want to see how my website has grown since 2018, check out the 5 year anniversary page.
Monday, March 10, 2025 - 4:43 PM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  saw Pouya live
★ mood:  sexy and relaxed
★ music:  B2b Charli XCX (listen)

What's up? I hope you're doin' well. I'm doing pretty fucking good, to be honest. I just filed my taxes, picked my little sister up from school, and took a shower. I haven't been at home these past few days, I was in Albuquerque with Sam and her friend Drea for the Pouya concert. Sam n I left for ABQ on Saturday morning. We got there early in the afternoon and our first stop was a sex shop where I bought some cute see-through underwear and a sexy harness thing. Here's some pics:

Afterwards we went to this sandwich place called Cheba Hut, which ended up being really fucking good. I can't remember the name of what I got.. I just let Sam pick for me since it was my first visit. It was a chicken bacon ranch sandwich w/ garlic bread. After that we made our way to a liqour store to stock up for the night before making our way to Drea's house. We bought a boxed bag of twisted tea and some green apple shots. Just typing those words gave me flashbacks...

Anyways, without going into too much detail: We got pretty drunk, got dressed, and got a Lyft to the venue. The night was awesome, it was pretty intense. I had a really good time. Here's some pics:

We had pizza and wings delivered to Drea's house and we inhaled that shit as soon as we got back. We drank some more and then passed out.

The next day, yesterday, we went to BJ's brewery to eat and get a little tipsy before we went shopping at some other sex shops in the area. I got some more cute underwear:

I love going to sex shops, especially with friends. It's always a fun time plus they have THE CUTEST CLOTHES!!! But now I'm a broke little bitch.. ugh.

Whateverrrrr. I'm going to go smoke for the first time today and then comb gifcities for old websites to check out. And to download graphics to use for my site. I'm having a lazy day yaaaay. I hope you're having a good day, I will see ya later. <3
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 - 12:48 AM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  hiiiii
★ mood:  wine drunk
★ music:  Sex Dwarf Soft Cell (listen)

Hiiiiiiii. I hope you've had a good day. I got home from work and I was going to update some pages around here but instead I drank wine, put on degrassi, and took some webcam pix. Sooooooo ummm hi hello here is the update. Tee hee. It's 12:30am aaaand I was supposed to have tomorrow off but agreed to come in to help my manager out.. smh. I mean, I can't REALLY complain. I was just planning on spending tomorrow getting stoned and working on my website, which isn't too productive?? Or like.. It is for me... but... money... you know?? I am a little whore for cash rn. So I'm gonna be a good little retail slave.. I want to die.


I want it to touch my ass before I cut it short again. I miss having short hair, I feel like I was more handsome with it. But I LOVE having long hair. I wasn't even planning for it to get this long.. I moved out of my grandparents house and just couldn't budget for a haircut, so I doubled down and grew it out. I don't know whaaaat I am doing.

AH okay uh I don't want to drunk ramble tooooo much, so I'm just going to add some of the sexy pics I took down below aaaand I'm gonna fuck off. Watch degrassi and go to bed. I hope that you're doing well.. I will have free time to work on my website tomorrow night and on Thursday. Weell... At this point thursday is technically tomorrow.. ANYWAYS!! BYE I will see you later!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - 10:52 AM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  updates blah blah blah
★ mood:  living large
★ music:  Backstabber Kesha (listen)

Hey what's up? I hope that you're doing good. I'm doing alright. I had been pretty depressed these past few months, but I am slowly coming around. I think it might be because it's starting to get warmer. Even though it snowed yesterday! The day before yesterday, the high was 70 degrees. The weather is bipolar right now or something. I can't wait for summer so I can drink buzzballs and float in the river with Sam! Here is a pic I took of the snow yesterday:

I spent all day yesterday making some changes around my website. Here's some of what I did:

★ I added a ton of avatars to the myspace icons page, check it out here.

★ I revamped the iPod archive page. Check it out here.

★ I changed the background on the Cool Shit page for the first time in years. I was thinking about changing the buttons too, but I'm not sure what I want to do with them. I need to add more pages! Check that out here.

★ I made some dollz and added them to my dollz page. If you don't know, there is a link on that page where you can download a collection of dollz files that I have collected from old websites on the internet archive. If you want to make your own dollz for your website, check that page out. Here's a couple I made:


★ I made a new 88x31 button to link to me:

I also added a link to a YouTube to MP3 converter I like to use at the bottom of my links page, check that page out here.

That's about all for now. I might update my website when I get home tonight or I might play games with friends.. either way I have the next 2 days off to make changes around here. (Or maybe finish the 1000 incomplete pages) I'll see you later!
Friday, February 21, 2025 - 12:20 AM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  I'm faerybabyy's #1 fan
★ mood:  happy
★ music:  lobotomy song faerybabyy (listen)

AHHH!! Oh my god. Okay. So before I start, I have to mention that I was about to screen record our conversation and as I was halfway through her message SHE RESPONDED TO ME LMFAO. I instantly read it... embarassing! LMFAO. Anyways...

Ummm Hello! I just got home from work. So in my last post I linked to a Sims 2 music video I made to Faerybabyy's song "connie". I spent the whole day making it! I originally uploaded it directly onto my site, but I didn't like that the thumbnail was a black box so I uploaded it to my YouTube channel and just linked from there. Well, FAERYBABYY SAW IT! She left a really sweet comment and then shared it to her IG story. I responded to her story and said that I made it and she sent me a couple of voice notes and I sent her one back. Like I said at the start of this post, she JUST responded to me as I was recording it... LMFAO. Here's a pic of what she said on her IG story:

I feel like it would be disrespectful to share the audio??? Like idk I am a little tipsy right now so I may be overthinking... (Sam and I took a shot after work) But I know for damn sure I am not sharing my nervous gay voice message on here so I am giving her the same respect :D Here's a screenshot of our messages:

And here's the transcripts of our voice notes:

Faerybabyy: "Okay I'm driving so I'm not supposed to text and drive but literally thank you so much. I have a huge addiction to video games and Sims was every pivotal part in forming that video game addictive part of my personality because I used to play so much as a kid and I actually relapsed like i guess it was like 5 days ago now because I just stopped today but I played for 4 days straight and maybe slept a couple hours. I ignored all of my job duties. None of this is a good thing, It's all technically bad but the point is I love sims and while you were making this video I was knees- I was neck deep, I was not knees deep, I was not balls deep, I was neck deep in Sims, okay? So the amount of synchronicity and this existing at this moment in time is crazy.

The moral of the story is we are connected and thank you so much. I love it. Like anytime you wanna do a Sims music video, literally feel free to do it because I used to watch sims music videos whenever I was a kid so much and it's just like tickling this part of my brain. I don't know. I cant express how much I love it. That's all I'm trying to do is express how much I love it and words can't do it but just thank you so much and it's so cute and you really slayed that."

Me: "Oh my god I love that we both have been neck deep in the Sims lately at the same time. But um same I loved watching Sims 2 music videos when I was a kid and I've been wanting to make them but I have yet to. And then the other day I was listening to you and I was like this would be the best soundtrack to a Sims 2 music video. Um I'm glad you liked it um I was thinking about making more and honestly this interaction is everything. Like um hell yes I'm gonna make more. I'm glad that you liked it. Thank you for your message."

The amount of times I said um... I'm so awkward LMFAO. I love that we both love The Sims! She is awesome. I relate to her lyrics a lot, I love her style, and she's just... the coolest. She deserves nothing but the best. I love singing along to her music at the top of my lungs when I'm driving. And, if you haven't seen my archived posts, I saw her live and met her in person last year! She was really nice, I will treasure those memories forever. Here's a pic of us together that Sam took:

I was really drunk... okay? I was a mess.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. That was a really nice interaction. I recommend that EVERYONE listen to her! Sooo here's some of my favorite songs of hers:

I Could Never Stay Mad at You (listen)
darlin' (listen)
connie (listen)
lucky star (listen)
Seatbelts (listen)
Birthday Song (I think this will be my next Sims 2 MV) (listen)
be my lover (listen)
rosalia (listen)
lobotomy song (listen)

LISTEN TO HER NOWWWWW!!! I command you.

I'll see you later! I hope you're having a good day, bye!
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 5:45 PM Mountain Time (MT)
★ subject:  sims 2 moment
★ mood:  alive.. still
★ music:  connie faerybabyy (listen)

I was bored and made a sims 2 music video :D

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